Welcome to Austin Concierge Therapy!
Our team of professionals first and foremost are passionate about helping people! We believe that even the most successful people can really benefit from therapy at some point in their lives.
Even the most driven individuals can sometimes get blindsided and knocked off course by something they couldn't predict. Our job is to use all of our best tools and insight to help you get back on track as quickly as possible.

Anxiety Treatment in Austin Texas
Whether it is social phobia, specific phobia, post traumatic …

Depression Therapy Treatment in Austin Texas
Depression is a mental illness, which one should not confuse …

Therapy and Coaching for Teens and Adolescents in Austin Texas
There are many emotional issues that find a corner in our heart, and refuse to die down. With time, these issues can transform into a sort of emotional tumor that impacts negatively on our daily life, such as lack of...

Divorce and Recovery Therapy in Austin Texas
Our systematic approach towards couple therapy is defined on the lines of enhancing the communication between the partners, and establishing short term and long term goals, where both the partners would be...
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I really need therapy? I can usually handle my problems.
Most successful people could really benefit from therapy at some point in their lives. Even the most driven people can eventually get blindsided...
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What can I expect in the first session when I see a therapist?
You can expect to share some of the challenges you may be facing right now. Our goal is to establish a strong rapport, so you feel comfortable sharing...
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How is payment handled? Do you take credit cards?
We use a simple automated payment system. Once you complete your intake forms and sign the disclosures online (at actclients.com)...
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